In order to experience true abundance, we must first empty ourselves. When we give from an empty cup, we can fill it up to overflowing. When we give unconditionally – withholding nothing and expecting nothing in return – that we experience true fulfillment. By sharing generously with others, we fill our own cups to the brim.
In order to experience true abundance, we must first empty ourselves. When we give from an empty cup, we can fill it up to overflowing. When we give unconditionally – withholding nothing and expecting nothing in return – that we experience true fulfillment. By sharing generously with others, we fill our own cups to the brim.
Empty your cup that it might be filled
It’s one of life’s greatest lessons: In order for the cup to be full, it must first be emptied. This doesn’t just refer to physical cups, but to all aspects of life. To be filled with joy and fulfillment, you must first clear away the negativity and doubt that can weigh you down. To experience true abundance, you must release the attachments that keep you from fully embracing it.
When you finally reach the point of feeling empty, it’s time to start filling the cup again. And when you do, you’ll often find that you have more to give than you thought. In a sense, you reach a level of overflow, where you can give sacrificially to others without expecting anything in return.
So, what are some of the best ways to raise your vibrational level? Here are a few of our favorites:
1. It’s a powerful concept,
and one that we should strive to put into practice more often. When we allow ourselves to be emptied and open to receiving, we’re able to give more freely and generously. We can create a better world for ourselves and those around us by being willing to empty our cups first.
2. On a personal level,
this can mean making space for yourself to receive love, joy, and abundance. Take time to reconnect with yourself and check in with your emotional and mental wellbeing. Make sure that your cup is empty, so you can fill it up with the things that truly bring you joy.
3. On a global level,
this can mean being willing to put aside our differences and come together to create a better world. When we empty our cups of judgment and prejudice, we can start to fill them with understanding and compassion. We can learn to accept and love each other, no matter our backgrounds or beliefs.
In the end, it all comes down to emptying our cups in order to fill them up. When we’re willing to make space and let go of the things that don’t serve us, we open ourselves up to experiencing true abundance in life. From there, we can give sacrificially to others with no strings attached. It’s a process that can bring us all closer together, and lead to a brighter future for all.