The Return To Love

February 25, 2023

Love is a powerful force, capable of uniting us in ways that go far beyond the scope of what we think is possible. It encourages us to appreciate the beauty in the world around us, and to find joy in the small moments of shared connection.

When we recognize the beauty in other people and express our appreciation for it, we create an atmosphere of understanding and compassion. We open ourselves up to a deeper connection, and we invite others to share in the joy of mutual respect. By recognizing the beauty in others, we foster a cycle of kindness, understanding, and compassion.

Through love, we can create a safe and nurturing environment, where people can feel supported and appreciated.

Learning Points from The Watering Hole 1.0 – The reTURN to Love.

Speaker: Selwyn A. Collins


  1. In its purest form Love doesn’t do easy…it doesn’t come easy. You must fight to get and keep it.
  2. The only way you can truly love is to surrender to it.
  3. Love requires you to see the light in others and shine that love light to them.
  4. Love is sacrificial; you learn to give up of yourself and expect nothing in return. Giving love is the main thing.

    In order for the cup to be full, it must be emptied first. When the cup is empty and you fill it up, you get to the overflow and that’s when you can give sacrificially to others-withholding nothing and expecting nothing.

As long as we live from the past we are still that caterpillar but once we start the process of purging, obedience, forgiving and letting go…we start transforming.


When we take the time to appreciate the beauty in others, it can bring joy to ourselves and those around us. It can encourage us to be more compassionate and understanding. We can use it to bridge divides, build relationships, and show acceptance.

  • Love helps you see the beauty in other people and sets off a chain reaction of caring deeply for and about others.
  • Every day we have the opportunity, with each breath we take, to love and re-invent ourselves.
  • Don’t mistake other people’s self limiting beliefs, experiences and labels rob you of the chance to love yourself.
  • Refuse to be diverted from your purest essence by shame, pain, doubt and fear.
  • Love helps us push through the status quo and pull away from the gravitational pull of the comfort zone.
  • Falling in love is part of doing your shadow work.
  • Stop spending time pretending to be Ok. Nurture the tree that’s your life with unconditional love so your tree can continue to give of its fruit.

The Return To Love

February 25, 2023

Love is a powerful force, capable of uniting us in ways that go far beyond the scope of what we think is possible. It encourages us to appreciate the beauty in the world around us, and to find joy in the small moments of shared connection.

When we recognize the beauty in other people and express our appreciation for it, we create an atmosphere of understanding and compassion. We open ourselves up to a deeper connection, and we invite others to share in the joy of mutual respect. By recognizing the beauty in others, we foster a cycle of kindness, understanding, and compassion.

Through love, we can create a safe and nurturing environment, where people can feel supported and appreciated.

Learning Points from The Watering Hole 1.0 – The reTURN to Love.

Speaker: Selwyn A. Collins


  1. In its purest form Love doesn’t do easy…it doesn’t come easy. You must fight to get and keep it.
  2. The only way you can truly love is to surrender to it.
  3. Love requires you to see the light in others and shine that love light to them.
  4. Love is sacrificial; you learn to give up of yourself and expect nothing in return. Giving love is the main thing.

    In order for the cup to be full, it must be emptied first. When the cup is empty and you fill it up, you get to the overflow and that’s when you can give sacrificially to others-withholding nothing and expecting nothing.

As long as we live from the past we are still that caterpillar but once we start the process of purging, obedience, forgiving and letting go…we start transforming.


When we take the time to appreciate the beauty in others, it can bring joy to ourselves and those around us. It can encourage us to be more compassionate and understanding. We can use it to bridge divides, build relationships, and show acceptance.

  • Love helps you see the beauty in other people and sets off a chain reaction of caring deeply for and about others.
  • Every day we have the opportunity, with each breath we take, to love and re-invent ourselves.
  • Don’t mistake other people’s self limiting beliefs, experiences and labels rob you of the chance to love yourself.
  • Refuse to be diverted from your purest essence by shame, pain, doubt and fear.
  • Love helps us push through the status quo and pull away from the gravitational pull of the comfort zone.
  • Falling in love is part of doing your shadow work.
  • Stop spending time pretending to be Ok. Nurture the tree that’s your life with unconditional love so your tree can continue to give of its fruit.
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