Return to Obedience

June 23, 2023

Obedience speaks to the importance of not only listening to your inner voice, but also obeying the message you receive from source. For many people, the idea of obedience can bring up negative connotations of blind following or giving up one’s free will. However, when we approach obedience from a place of trust and alignment with our highest selves, it can lead to profound growth and transformation.

At its core, obedience is about surrendering control and trusting that there is a greater plan at work. It requires us to let go of our need to control every aspect of our lives and instead trust that the universe has our best interests at heart. This can be a difficult concept to grasp, especially in a society that values independence and self-reliance. But when we learn to trust in something greater than ourselves, we open ourselves up to an infinite wellspring of wisdom and guidance. more …

Learning Points from The Watering Hole 1.0 – The reTURN to Power.

Speaker: Selwyn A. Collins

reTurn to Obedience

The first step in re-turning to Power is to realize that you had it at one point and it’s time to stop getting caught up in the cobwebs of doubt. Just show up.


Obedience reigns supreme, possessing the power to revolutionize your life, yet it demands unwavering courage.

  • The child in you is the version of you that is closest to the Creator; don’t shut down your inner child. Allow that child to roam free in your life and your decisions.
  • We all have an inner knowing about what is right to do, when it’s right to do it and who to do it with. This is part of the workings of our inner child. Obedience means staying tuned in to that inner knowing…that divine frequency.
  • Obedience takes you beyond the familiar – the comfort zone. It triggers terror and uncertainty in our hearts also.
  • More than anything else, Obedience requires us to look past the discomfort, the uncertainty and the terror and keep moving.
  • Your Obedience to the divine voices and frequency within you will make you dare to do what seems impossible or improbable; and when you do this, you inspire others to dare to become what they’re designed to become.
  • Dare to empty the cup you’re holding now so that cup can be filled with something new.
  • Dare to see fear as a door not as a wall; as a friend and not a foe.
  • Dare to compliment yourself and encourage yourself.
  • Dare to obey that voice that tells you to set up boundaries and exit relationships and situations that do not grow you.
  • Dare to decide to show up for life in your full magnificence and not as a percentage of yourself. Don’t settle for mediocre when you can dare to be excellent.
  • Obedience is not for the faint of heart because as much as Obedience creates miracles, it also creates turbulence.
  • When there is turbulence around you, pause and interrogate the source and cause of that turbulence. It could be caused by you resisting the pull of Obedience.
  • Be present. Be present to what is encouraging you to take a specific step. Be present to what is preventing you from taking that step.

Return to Obedience

June 23, 2023

Obedience speaks to the importance of not only listening to your inner voice, but also obeying the message you receive from source. For many people, the idea of obedience can bring up negative connotations of blind following or giving up one’s free will. However, when we approach obedience from a place of trust and alignment with our highest selves, it can lead to profound growth and transformation.

At its core, obedience is about surrendering control and trusting that there is a greater plan at work. It requires us to let go of our need to control every aspect of our lives and instead trust that the universe has our best interests at heart. This can be a difficult concept to grasp, especially in a society that values independence and self-reliance. But when we learn to trust in something greater than ourselves, we open ourselves up to an infinite wellspring of wisdom and guidance. more …

Learning Points from The Watering Hole 1.0 – The reTURN to Power.

Speaker: Selwyn A. Collins

reTurn to Obedience

The first step in re-turning to Power is to realize that you had it at one point and it’s time to stop getting caught up in the cobwebs of doubt. Just show up.


Obedience reigns supreme, possessing the power to revolutionize your life, yet it demands unwavering courage.

  • The child in you is the version of you that is closest to the Creator; don’t shut down your inner child. Allow that child to roam free in your life and your decisions.
  • We all have an inner knowing about what is right to do, when it’s right to do it and who to do it with. This is part of the workings of our inner child. Obedience means staying tuned in to that inner knowing…that divine frequency.
  • Obedience takes you beyond the familiar – the comfort zone. It triggers terror and uncertainty in our hearts also.
  • More than anything else, Obedience requires us to look past the discomfort, the uncertainty and the terror and keep moving.
  • Your Obedience to the divine voices and frequency within you will make you dare to do what seems impossible or improbable; and when you do this, you inspire others to dare to become what they’re designed to become.
  • Dare to empty the cup you’re holding now so that cup can be filled with something new.
  • Dare to see fear as a door not as a wall; as a friend and not a foe.
  • Dare to compliment yourself and encourage yourself.
  • Dare to obey that voice that tells you to set up boundaries and exit relationships and situations that do not grow you.
  • Dare to decide to show up for life in your full magnificence and not as a percentage of yourself. Don’t settle for mediocre when you can dare to be excellent.
  • Obedience is not for the faint of heart because as much as Obedience creates miracles, it also creates turbulence.
  • When there is turbulence around you, pause and interrogate the source and cause of that turbulence. It could be caused by you resisting the pull of Obedience.
  • Be present. Be present to what is encouraging you to take a specific step. Be present to what is preventing you from taking that step.
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