You Are The Light Within

September 10, 2022

It’s normal to think of the light at the end of the tunnel when we are in a dark place. We may not realize it, but we are actually the light within the tunnel. The problem is that our psychological condition often blinds us to our reality.

We often find ourselves in dark places in our lives – feeling lost, alone, and confused. It’s normal in these moments to think of the light at the end of the tunnel, and to hope and pray that we’ll find our way out. But what we often fail to realize is that we are the light within the tunnel.

We are the ones who hold the power to change our circumstances and to find our way back to the light. We are the ones who can choose to see the beauty and potential in every situation, no matter how dark it may seem.

It is our light that illuminates the way out of the darkness. So next time you find yourself in a dark place, remember that you are the light within. You are the one who has the power to change your circumstances and to find your way back to the light.

Learning Points from The Watering Hole 1.0 – reTURN Into the Light.

Speaker: Selwyn A. Collins


  1. Learn to go against the push of labels and programming and following the push of the Light within you.
  2. Listen and obey that quiet nudge in your spirit even when everyone else says otherwise.
  3. Selwyn’s personal Obedience journey included a purge over 3 months focused on four pillars:
  • Environment
  • Body
  • Mind
  • Spirit


Do you (we) have the courage to surrender to the process of becoming more aware? It’s like the process the caterpillar goes through to become a butterfly. It’s full of uncertainties and can be a wild adventure. Still, change is inevitable…one has to die to what one one in order to be re-born into our beautiful original selves.


  1. Where are you living? In the Now or from Memory?
  2. As long as we are alive, experiences will happen and memories, responses will be created.
  3. Do not be chained and limited to the past. Live in the NOW. Ask these questions:
  • Did it happen?
  • Is it happening now?
  • Is there value from being chained to the tyrannical past?
  • What do I fear most about moving forward?
  • What do I gain from moving forward?

As long as we live from the past we’re still that caterpillar but once we start the process of purging, obedience, forgiving and letting go…we start transforming.


  • Every day is an opportunity to transform into something new – do you have the courage to take the next step?
  • Can you love in its essence-pure and unconditionally?
  • What do you have to give up in order to become who God designed you to be?
  • What do you have to start doing from NOW in order to live daily in the NOW.
  • Know your energy drainers and avoid them-including people.
  • Do not apologize for who you are. You carry the light, the essence of God in you.
  • The past punishes us and without your permission, it has no bearing on your present.
  • Everything begins with You.

You Are The Light Within

September 10, 2022

It’s normal to think of the light at the end of the tunnel when we are in a dark place. We may not realize it, but we are actually the light within the tunnel. The problem is that our psychological condition often blinds us to our reality.

We often find ourselves in dark places in our lives – feeling lost, alone, and confused. It’s normal in these moments to think of the light at the end of the tunnel, and to hope and pray that we’ll find our way out. But what we often fail to realize is that we are the light within the tunnel.

We are the ones who hold the power to change our circumstances and to find our way back to the light. We are the ones who can choose to see the beauty and potential in every situation, no matter how dark it may seem.

It is our light that illuminates the way out of the darkness. So next time you find yourself in a dark place, remember that you are the light within. You are the one who has the power to change your circumstances and to find your way back to the light.

Learning Points from The Watering Hole 1.0 – reTURN Into the Light.

Speaker: Selwyn A. Collins


  1. Learn to go against the push of labels and programming and following the push of the Light within you.
  2. Listen and obey that quiet nudge in your spirit even when everyone else says otherwise.
  3. Selwyn’s personal Obedience journey included a purge over 3 months focused on four pillars:
  • Environment
  • Body
  • Mind
  • Spirit


Do you (we) have the courage to surrender to the process of becoming more aware? It’s like the process the caterpillar goes through to become a butterfly. It’s full of uncertainties and can be a wild adventure. Still, change is inevitable…one has to die to what one one in order to be re-born into our beautiful original selves.


  1. Where are you living? In the Now or from Memory?
  2. As long as we are alive, experiences will happen and memories, responses will be created.
  3. Do not be chained and limited to the past. Live in the NOW. Ask these questions:
  • Did it happen?
  • Is it happening now?
  • Is there value from being chained to the tyrannical past?
  • What do I fear most about moving forward?
  • What do I gain from moving forward?

As long as we live from the past we’re still that caterpillar but once we start the process of purging, obedience, forgiving and letting go…we start transforming.


  • Every day is an opportunity to transform into something new – do you have the courage to take the next step?
  • Can you love in its essence-pure and unconditionally?
  • What do you have to give up in order to become who God designed you to be?
  • What do you have to start doing from NOW in order to live daily in the NOW.
  • Know your energy drainers and avoid them-including people.
  • Do not apologize for who you are. You carry the light, the essence of God in you.
  • The past punishes us and without your permission, it has no bearing on your present.
  • Everything begins with You.
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